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Tuesday, August 01, 2006

.: 02082006. 0904 hours.. listening 2 kim's farnie dream.. 2 her it was FANTASTIC.. :.

heelloos.. in e library now.. just made the most amazing discovery in my whole entire lyf.. but since kim says i can't tell anyone else, i shall b a nice fren and not tell on her.. ahahas.. sighs.. i wonder how dreams come about.. i heard something abt it being ur thots in e last few seconds or miliseconds thingey then just as u go 2 sleep then u will dream abt it.. hmmms.. anyone knows??
sighs.. i just realised how lazy i actually am.. i neva stardee during free periods, instead end up doing things lyk this larhs.. then i always slack so much.. prelims r in 5 days time and i haven't even started my revision.. i'm so screwed.. as in.. dead.. yeahs.. i'll probably get f9 4 everything then i get 54 4 my L1R5.. someone just kill me now..
oh yeahs.. i'm kinda trying 2 decide whether 2 use livejournal or blogspot 4 my new blog.. shall change e name.. then leave this one.. urmmms.. alone.. yeahs.. *bleahx* so bored now.. nothing 2 do.. i just can't understand how i can feel so bored & not scared or all tt nervousness when e prelims r less than a week away and i haven't even started my revision.. all i care abt is tv.. my darling tv.. dunno y.. m i crazy?? wait! jotomate.. (or however u spell e romanji.. daoshabao, pls correct me if i'm wrong..) wrong question.. i mean.. okies.. i have no idea how 2 properly phrase e question.. so.. here goes nothing.. is there something wrong with me?? with my brain?? no stupid answers pls..
sighs.. i just 4got wat i was gonna say.. lol.. blame my short term memory loss.. then so blurr summore.. sighs..
i'm gonna grow old so fast larhs.. sigh so much..
anyways.. urmmms.. dunno wad else 2 say liaox..
oh yeahs.. i can't rmb exactly who told me, but.. i think it's a she who told me.. then anyway, she told me tt for a certain sch, which i can't rmb, e principal goes around reading everybody's blogs.. as in.. he/she goes around reading blogs.. then.. oopsies.. wait.. i think it's my cuz alvi who told me tt.. if i'm not wrong, it's her sch principal.. urmms.. wat sch is she in again?? paya lebar methodist isit?? sighs.. anyways, e principal will go around reading blogs then if he/she catches anybody defaming any teacher, then e student will b made 2 write a letter of apology or something lyk tt, then some public thing i think.. i really dunno.. actually, i really can't rmb tt clearly.. i think my entry's still rather short..
oh yeahs.. i think i shall change my new bloggie name 2 insignificantdepressionist-._(still unknown.. can refer 2 abv..4 reference or some other crap.. i'm not making much sense.. then again, i never really did make much sense..)_.com
heys.. mrs tan is super annoying.. she's talking super loudly in e library.. in case she didn't realise, it's EMPTY.. sorta.. only a few ppl around.. then she talk so loudly.. xiao larhs..
oh yeahs.. i don't suppose ms kon (my sch principal, 4 those who aren't already in mg) will b coming around 2 read anybody's blog, so yeah.. here goes..
mag sim sux..
WAIT!! kim just said TOMACH instead of STOMACH!! AHAHAS!! SO LAME!!
anyways, back 2 e disgusting topic of mag sim.. we, 4b3, unfortunately, have one and a half hours of chem with her today.. so suay.. hmmms.. i have 4 more minutes 2 finish my entry.. so anyways, she is so DUMB AND STUPID.. i won't even call her naive.. naive is 4 normal ppl lyk.. just normal ppl larhs.. everyone else except mag sim is normal.. wait.. majority of ppl in mg r normal.. just 1 or 2 others who r as idiotic as mag sim.. she's just super dumb.. shall not bother 2 go on talking anymore abt her.. so annoying.. getting myself pissed 4 nothing..
so.. let's talk abt something else.. hmmms.. oh yeahs!! they're selling yoghurt in e canteen today and tmg!! woohoox!! i think they shld just open a yoghurt stall 4 gd, as in, permanently.. ahahs.. that way, i will FINALLY b able 2 TRY 2 lose some weight.. after all, e yoghurt IS low-fat.. ahahas..
hmmms.. running out of thing 2 say liaos.. shall sign off here larhs..


__- LOVEdeprived -__
|6:07 PM|

Thursday, July 20, 2006

.: 21072006. 1048 hours.. in other slow com lab.. annoying.. :.

hey.. just 2 let e whole world know, i'm ALLOWED 2 go 4 founders day dinner!! oh no.. cassie's bored now..HELLO!!! (x
cassie feels retarded.. btw, e caps lock is her.. i hate caps lock unless necessary. oh no!! cassie don't fren me anymore!! how?? boohoox!! actually i'm quite excited.. ooh.. cassie's massaging my arm 4 me.. says it's poking, but it's kinda nice.. she's using 2 fingers now.. she's really high.. God help me!!AM NOT! AMNOT AMNOT AMNOT AMNOT!!!!! oh dear.. cassie's going through the don't friend u stage AGAIN.. sighs.. oh wells.. ooh.. seems she never had tt stage in primary school, so it must have carried on till now larhs.. YES!! GOOD GIRL!! sighs.. cassie has 2 b so guai.. must type everything in full.. so hardworking ars..WHATEVER LOR! IT'S GOOD FOR ENGLISH K! NOT LIKE YOU SHORTFORM ONE! ^^ lyk.. wtv!! anyways, ur grammar seriously needs help.. want me 2 help?! teeheex!!I DONT NEED YOUR HELP THANK YOU VERY MUCH! I JUST DONT LIKE TO BE PROPER ALL THE TIME! XP cassie.. u not making much sense hor.. anyways, e com tt i'm using now sux.. so blurr.. then c until i'm getting a headache now..
lalala.. got EVERYTHING 4 my fdd liaox!! sighs.. i WAS gonna type dinner, then cassie said it sounded lyk i was gonna get married.. maybe i wouldn't mind if it were 2 my darling elvin ng!! >.<>.<>
did i mention how lame i always am?? 'nyway, now u know.. can't understand y cassie can't stand short form.. it's so much faster larhs
anyway, i got all my stuffies frm just 2 places!!
whoohoos!! frm east point-makeup,eyebrows,earrings..
then frm city plaza-clothes,shoes,MORE earrings,& a nice necklace!! (though not 4 e dinner)
i'm kinda high now.. shall ignore karms e dao sha bao>.<>
i dunno wad else 2 blog.. hmmm.. i suspect karms is preg***t.. ahahas.. jkjk.. kk.. okies. it's official. she's just confessed 2 being pregnant.. i wonder who e father is.. hmmm.. ahahas.. let's make a list of possibilities.. yi loong, nick, wesley, sean, daryl?? or however u spell his name..
hahas.. karms is shocked. she is in such a state of shock.. i think the father may just b on this list.. ooh.. scandalous!! (or however else u spell this) i'm quite hopeless at spelling these terms.. anyways, karms e dao sha bao who is now pregnant just confirmed tt my spelling is correct.. yays.. not tt it's tt gd or anything lyk tt.. >.<>
btw, jeaniee, i REALLY hope i can lose weight b4 we meet up.. just so i look nicer beside u since u already so slim.. >.<>

__- LOVEdeprived -__
|7:48 PM|

Saturday, July 08, 2006

.: 08072006.1629 hours.. at home :.

hellos.. i know i haven't updated 4 awhile already.. sighs.. i'm kinda getting e jitters now.. gotta lead youth worship tmr.. then i haven't exactly decided on what to say and all tt.. what if i screw up big time?! it'll b so embarrassing!! furthermore, we have a guest speaker tmr!! pastor david lim from paya lebar presbyterian church!! >.<>

oh no!! anyways.. school was so sucky.. wait.. it was actually quite ok.. i think.. wednesday was nice.. e stupid mag sim didn't come 2 class, so karms and i went 2 e com lab.. hey.. tt was my last entry.. nvm.. hmmms.. i FINALLY wrote hoonster's reply letter, then.. oh yearhs.. let's talk abt e whole founders day dinner problem..

i asked my father, then my mother, actually my mother then my father.. wait.. i'm mixed up.. nvm.. point being tt they both didn't want me 2 go 4 e founders day dinner.. father said: i didn't even go for my founders day dinner. mother said: i didn't even have anything at that time.. kk.. sad right!! who said anything abt having an ex-mg girl as a mother meant tt i cld DEFINITELY b allowed 2 go?! besides!! my mom's 52!! they didn't have all this type of fanciful stuffies in her time!!

i feel super bad.. i mean.. both karms and denisee agreed 2 lend me clothes if i cld go, and jacinth even said tt she cld ferry me there and back!! but NO!! my mum had 2 b a wet blanket, said tt she saw karms b4 and karms was smaller than me so i cldn't EVER fit into her clothes.. tt's what i tried telling denise, but she claimed she had BIGGER clothes.. how much bigger? i don't think i'll even b able 2 fit in2 karms or denise's clothes.. i did THINK tt i'd PROBABLY b able 2 fit in karm's clothes, but tt's a far throw.. or wtv u say when it's practically impossible.. this stinks..

i actually wanted 2 go.. A BIT!! e other 3/4 of me or so didn't wanna go cuz i don't have formal clothes, i feel bad borrowing frm my friends, and i feel even worse having 2 b ferried there and back, and i never really thot tt founders day dinner was ever tt important, but with e whole class forcing me 2 go, e pressure's really on..

now my parents don't wanna let me go, i really don't know what i'm gonna do.. it sucks larhs.. sighs.. any comments? tag kk..


__- LOVEdeprived -__
|1:33 AM|

Wednesday, June 28, 2006

.: 29062006.1226hours. in the other com lab.. :.

hello.. i'm updating again.. yay.. but my bloggie is so screwed.. gotta change my template.. so sad hors.. nvm.. anyways, i'm so bored now.. supposed 2 b doing homework now but i'm lazy c.. hahas..

bleahx.. nothing 2 blog abt leh..

oh yeahs.. anyways, i shall blog abt sch then.. sighs..

assembly.. so stupid larhs.. cuz this wk is mother tongue wk, we had chapel and devotions in mandarin on monday, said e pledge in chinese on tuesday, heard e pledge in malay yesterday, which was thursday, and heard e pledge in tamil this morning, friday.. so sucky..

i think it's totally dumb.. honestly!! so annoying larhs!! i mean.. it's bad enough not everybody takes chinese, but they had 2 do in in malay and tamil.. lyk.. less than 10% of e population.. sighs..

hahas.. kim and i r arguing abt how retarded she really is.. lyk.. actually, more debating.. cuz i called her a bozo.. then she said she wasn't one, so i was lyk.. oh yeah!! ur not a bozo.. ur a dimwit!! ur even more dimwitted than sophie!! (4 those who don't watch green forest my home, btw, it's on channel u, yeah..) so it's on every wednesday, thursday, and fridays.. at 1900 hours.. ahahas.. i'm bored so i'm doing a little advertising.. hahas.. i'm still bored..

lalala.. oh yeah.. wait.. oh yeahs.. now i rmb!! HAPPY BITHDAY MEGUMI!! i'm super duper sry i 4got it kk!! i actually thot it was on e 25062006, sunday, but it was actually on 27062006, tuesday!! wait!! yeah.. i think it was tuesday.. so sry.. i got short term memory loss larhs..

is there anything else 2 blog abt??

oh yeahs.. a really big huge sry 2 jappy e dao sha bao cuz ur lang de you huo is kinda messed up.. e cover in general, but e pages r all in gd condition.. >.< gomenazai!! 4give me if i spelt tt wrongly.. i'm not tt big into romanji.. TOT

lalalas.. yay!! just found out tt jin yuan fang's name!! btw, he acted in green forest my home with esther liu pin yan.. she's sophie.. anywaeshx, yuan fang's actually name is actually ruan jin tian!! yay!! T_T

kk.. gonna go liaox.. gotta get my template done b4 english.. >.< toodles!! ttfn!!


__- LOVEdeprived -__
|9:29 PM|

Monday, June 26, 2006

.: 27062006.1141hours. in com lab.. :.

hellos.. so bored now.. raymond ong was supposed 2 be in class but she wasn't coming so yeah..

hellos jean.. this is SPECIALLY 4 u kkaeshx.. thx so much 4 calling me on sunday.. at first i thot u were someone else, then when u mentioned auntie betty's name then i realised u were jean.. so sry.. my ears had problem so i heard boon jin at 1st.. cuz i was at parkway parade at tt time watching some yoyo fast challenge thingey.. music was super loud.. to top it off, i was lyk.. standing right in front of e speakers.. so sry.. missing u so much larhs.. really wish auntie betty came then u cld tag along as well.. hope ur doing fine hors.. sighs.. my prelims are in 5 wks time or maybe even earlier.. around there larhs.. sighs..

4 all u ppl out there who have scv and who haf disney channel,





e songs r lyk.. stuck in my head..

they've been stuck in my head since i downloaded them yesterday.. >.<


i'm kinda high now..

just had recess u c..


sighs.. my flooble chatterbox thingey is screwed.. i don't even know how 2 sign in 2 e dumb thing.. shall just sign up 4 another 1 larhs.. >.<

mannz.. i lyked e 1st name.. shall call it high school musical this time round..

lalalas.. just came back frm sentosa.. went there 2 stay 4 4 days with grace's and joshua's families.. quite fun larhs.. on e 1st day we only had barbeque cuz we went there quite late.. then on e 2nd day, thursday, we swam 4 e whole morning.. i think it was frm 10 or sometime around there larhs.. had bbq again tt night cuz was 2 much fd left over.. dunno whether we managed 2 clear off e extra fds.. 3rd day, friday, we went cycling 4 one hour, then went back to e "hotel".. if u can even call it one.. it's so super cramped larhs!! anyways, i got burnt quite bad on thursday alreadys.. then friday, we went swimming again, frm arnd 2 or 3 in e afternoon all e way 2 6 or 7 something.. then later, we went musical fountain.. quite sad we didn't getta c e whole show cuz we went late.. it started abt 2040 hours but we reached around 9.. but overall it was still quite nice.. oh yeah.. on one of e days we went 2 sit on e luge.. it was some car thingey.. so fun!! awesome larhs!!

kk kk..

gonna do something else liaox..



__- LOVEdeprived -__
|8:44 PM|

Thursday, June 08, 2006

.: 09062006-1431 hours :.

hellohellos.. yes. so sry i cldn't go 4 e class party.. parents didn't lemme. what did u expect me 2 do?! anywaeshx, i went 2 e night safari with jeoffrey gor and christie jie on wednesday night, 07062006. super farnie larhx!! >.<

lalalas.. gotta change my template after this.. bleahx.. remedials haf just been super dumb and boring.. yesterday, raymond ong showed us a video on hitler.. his lyf and all tt crap.. so dumb larhx!! seriously!! if i had known tt she was gonna show some dumb movie tt was gonna b even longer than 1 hour i wld have pon (or however u spell it) lyk karmy, just tt karmy 4got e time.. didn't really matter tt she didn't go anyway. they had this stupid scene with the couple in bed, ahem.. u know.. i don't even c e relevance of tt scene, they were just talking relevant, but they cld have just been sitting at a table drinking coffee then discussing tt wad.. donch need 2 show off so much flesh.. i know it's just 2 make e show more interesting cuz it's lyk.. super boring larhx..

anyway, enuff abt remedials.. now abt e night safari..

at e entrance counter: (person at e counter)
"sry but if ur a foreigner, we can't give u e senior citizen pass. u haf 2 b a singaporean.." my poor auntie cldn't get in with a senior citizen's pass even though she was lyk.. over 60 larhx.. only my father got it.. so annoying!! we cld haf saved on half her ticket price if they didn't haf tt stupid rule on foreigners not being allowed 2 purchase senior citizen tickets.. probably some other farnie way they think will get more foreigners 2 become singapore citizens.. i dunno!! so my auntie argued tt:" but i WAS a singaporean citizen!! i just migrated 2 america.. tt's all!!" then i was lyk.. lmao lahhx!! so farnie!! then i was lyk.. :" zee gor.. WAS.." then we all broke out laughing then she was lyk.. :"was!! yeah!! was!!" anywaeshx, we got e ticket with e tram ride included cuz there was this west wing place tt we cldn't go by foot.. >.<

so we went 4 e 10 o'clock animal show 1st cuz tt was e last 1.. super farnie.. there was this trainer disguised as a normal audience member then he was lyk :" i lost my maggie!! MAGGIE!!" at 1st, christie jie and i thot he was 4 real, but then he said :" i put my maggie in my bag, then when i went 2 look 4 her, she was gone!!" then i was lyk.. ohhhh.. so he's just part of e show.. no big.. then when e trainer in charge of e show asked him how big his maggie was, he said tt she was even bigger than e hyenas or something lyk tt.. can't exactly rmb e name, but i know tt he said tt his maggie was super big larhs.. so he ran around being crazy, then the trainer asked him 2 sit down 1st, then they wld look 4 his maggie after e show was done. but then halfway through, he got up again & went looking all over 4 his maggie. i was lyk.. he's so crazy larhx!! super annoying!! then he "spotted" a box under the bleaches then asked e trainer 2 look under there 2 c if his maggie was inside e toolbox cuz he was scared of e dark or something 2 tt extent. so she was lyk.. this is just a toolbox, nothing inside. but 4 safety's sake, can e audience pls move away when i open this box? pls move far away.. then she slowly opened the box and said: there's nothing in e box. look.. AHHHHHHHHHHH!! she screamed so loud larhx!! then my ears were, and still are, actually, only my left ear is still blocked larhs. anyway, even though my ears were blocked i heard her so clearly larhx!! owies..

mr. louee (i think tt's how u spell it..)!! u r keeping a (something) python!! it's becoming extinct or something 2 tt extent.. my ears were blocked u c, n e name was so long, and it was 10 something at night, my brain didn't really register anything. but i know it's something lyk e longest snake in e world.. so got a volunteer 2 carry maggie.. tail went up his berms.. i cldn't stop laughing larhx.. then maggie's tail kept coiling around his tt part. ahem.. he looked quite uncomfortable.. poor guy.. so yeah.. after getting maggie pried away frm him, he got some farnie fd voucher at one of e drink stalls or something lyk tt..

there were also hyenas and raccoons and otters and other cute animals at e show.. e otters were especially cute.. they had 2 recycle e paper and metal cups and cans respectively.. e otter doing e cans just wldn't let go of e cans!! kept juggling it and playing with them!! so farnie!! e raccoons were also very cute!! they also showed us how high e cheetah cld jump 4 its fd.. there was also some farnie animal which was black in colour. it climed a thick rope or vine or wtv it was, then went 2 e birds nest looking thing 4 fd.. so cute. then they also lowered themselves, using only their tails and legs 2 hold on 2 e rope thingey 2 get fd frm e trainers lower down.. they were abt e size of a medium sized dog or something lyk tt.. i think..

after tt, we took e tram then saw many other nocturnal animals lyk e leopards, elephants, cheetahs, lions, bearded pigs, then some other pigs of diff. species, deer, buffalo, owls, actually, i only saw 1. then we also saw more otters, some cheetah looking thing, aft jeoffrey gor & e rest walked off, christie jie & i stayed back 2 look at it some more..then cuz there was a glass in between e animals and us, duh, it jumped up on its paws onto e glass. so cute!! it was really a moment 2 b cherished..

on e tour on e tram back, we saw some other male hogs (pigs) then they had these 2 tusks, if u can even call them that, growing out of e top of their snouts. then the guide was lyk.. the tusks make them more attractive to e females. "as e saying goes, e longer, e better!!" btw, tt was EXACTLY what he said.. then, after a super long pause, i guess he FINALLY realised what he said sounded SO wrong, he was lyk.. "btw, i'm still referring 2 the tusks" then everybody was lyk.. whew!! so farnie..

we went 2 walk with e fruit bats, then we were staring so hard at e bat, but didn't realise tt what we were staring at really was e bat!! so when it suddenly flew up, my zee gor screamed her head off, protected her hair and ran right out of e enclosure!! we were laughing till we had tears in our eyes and our stomaches were hurting so much!! tt was e MOST farnie part of our trip there.. >.<

okies.. mum pushing me 2 get off e com.. AGAIN.. sighx.. oh well, just blame on my lyf.. >.<


__- LOVEdeprived -__
|11:34 PM|

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

.: 25052006.1309hours.. :.

hello.. i know this is really long.. yes hoonster.. i was supposed 2 update last last last.. wtv.. u get e idea.. i just haven't had e time 2 blog.. sighx.. life now is so hard...

oh yarhx.. hoonster & i pierced our ears together on friday 19052006!! >.<>

mannz.. so much has happened.. i shall really hafta change my blog 1st.. only a few nice ppl will b notified on my new bloggie.. got lotsa secrets tt denise can't know abt larhx.. ahahax..

anywaeshx, my cuz jeoffery.. (if tt's how u spell his name, sry if i got it wrong) & his wife as well as my auntie & uncle r coming 2 s'pore on e 5th of june at 12 am.. yay.. quite excited.. anywaeshx ,then he & his wife will b staying at my house while my aunt & uncle will b staying at my 4th auntie's house..

been sick lately.. got e flu.. can't stay away frm sch though.. my mom won't let me.. sighx.. anyway, yarhx.. getting better now..

mannz!! i really miss u jean!! haven't seen u so long liaox!! i was super looking 4ward 2 seeeing u in church.. so sad.. anyway, maybe we can meet up & go out 2gether one of these days.. gd luck 4 ur school examinations..

lalalax.. i'm super bored now.. got a few minutes left 2 blog cuz mr. david loh is gonna use it 4 something else in lyk.. 10 mins time..

shall blog until here 4 now.. byebyex..

__- LOVEdeprived -__
|10:11 PM|




ipod video!
Sony Ericsson Z800i!
coloured ankle socks!
nice water bottle(s)!


mag sim!
social studies!
annoying ppl!
doing homework!
sunburnt skin peeling!
ppl touching my stuffies!
forced 2 do stuff against my will!


.December 2005.January 2006.February 2006.March 2006.May 2006.June 2006.July 2006.August 2006






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